This Thanksgiving We’re So Grateful To…

This Thanksgiving we’re so grateful to all the supporters and partners who made S.T.O.P.’s first year such a success.
But we’re particularly grateful to the law firms that already donated more than $870,000 in free legal services. Pro bono lawyers from some of New York’s leading law firms have appeared in court with us, co-authored whitepapers, and helped clients facing dire legal challenges, all at no charge to our clients.

We’re on track to receive a Million dollars in free legal services by the end of this year, but only with your help. Your funding will support S.T.O.P.’s growing legal staff. Excitingly, our pro bono network multiplies your donation, so every dollar donated becomes $20 of legal resources.

Can you help us expand our legal services even further in the coming year? S.T.O.P. lawyers supervise each and every case, and without your financial support, we won’t be able to leverage our network of pro bono partners. If we’ve been able to raise nearly a million dollars in free legal services since we launched in March, just imagine what we’ll be able to accomplish this coming year with your help. Please donate today!
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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