
Ban The Scan

Location Data

Ban The Scan

S.T.O.P. is fighting to Ban the Scan, passing New York City and New York State legislation to outlaw government use of facial recognition.


In addition to infringing New Yorkers’ fundamental right of privacy, geolocation tracking threatens rights to freedom of religion and speech. This bill would outlaw these abusive practices, prohibiting courts from issuing reverse search warrants and law enforcement agencies from seeking them.

Stop Fakes


STOP POST Act graphic - passed

Stop Online Police Fake Accounts and Keep Everyone Safe

Police use fake accounts to monitor Black Lives Matter activists and deceive children into exposing private content. This bill would prohibit police from creating fake social media accounts and coercing people to provide social media passwords.

Public Oversight Of Surveillance Technology

For years, the NYPD has built-up an arsenal of cutting-edge, military-grade spy tools without any public notice, debate, or oversight. The POST Act brings much-needed civilian review to NYPD policies, letting elected lawmakers know the types of surveillance conducted on New Yorkers and how that information is kept safe from federal agencies, including ICE.