Join Us At The POST Act Hearing

Newsletter - December 5, 2019


We’ve told many of you about the POST Act before, the NYPD surveillance bill that S.T.O.P. has championed since we were founded. Now, I’m excited to tell you about a breakthrough: we’re finally getting our day at City Hall!

On December 18th, the City Council Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing on the POST Act, giving S.T.O.P. and our allies a chance to tell Council Members that we need the POST Act to fight the NYPD’s surveillance-based stop-and-frisk.

For years, the NYPD built-up an arsenal of powerful and biased spy tools without any public oversight. The POST Act  gives our elected lawmakers information on what surveillance tools we use and how information is shared with federal agencies like ICE. Join us December 18th at noon to tell the City Council that you support the POST Act.
Thanks to our coalition, a majority of City Council members already support the POST Act, but the fight isn’t over. The NYPD will push back against these reforms with everything they’ve got, so it’s time for New Yorkers to mobilize and end this dangerous and discriminatory spying. Take a stand for privacy and join us on December 18th at noon to help make history.
With thanks,
Will Luckman
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