Did You See Us At City Hall?


This past week, S.T.O.P. has been hard at work as usual. 

We made the trip to City Hall twice, testifying before the New York City Council about two invasive NYPD technologies.

First we raised concerns about the City’s digital “Next-Generation” 9-1-1 system, highlighting how the system would give the NYPD unprecedented access to photos and videos from millions of New Yorkers' smartphones. Then, less than a week later, we called for greater privacy protections for NYPD bodycams, noting the risk that these police accountability systems could morph into tools of mass surveillance.
We aren’t new to the bodycam debate. Earlier this year, our executive director, Albert Fox Cahn, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times, highlighting how bodycams can hurt the very communities they were promised to help. Earlier this month, Albert also explained why the NYPD’s bodycam policy failed to protect New Yorkers. Excitingly, several readers agreed, including none less than the N.Y. Daily News Editorial Board. The year is far from over, so we expect to be back again at City Hall, fighting for New Yorkers’ privacy and civil rights.
With thanks,
The S.T.O.P. Team
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