How I Started With S.T.O.P.


My name is Will Luckman, and I’m excited to introduce myself as S.T.O.P.’s new organizer!

Like many of you, I’ve looked-on in horror at the increasing power of state and local surveillance; I've watched as new spy tools targeted friends and neighbors from historically marginalized communities. At first, I volunteered, working for three years as an organizer for a local political organization. But with my new role at S.T.O.P. I can make this passion my job, fighting for community-based oversight of surveillance technology. 

We're at an inflection point. The future is in our hands, and the only way it will be a future that benefits all New Yorkers is if we work together and demand to be part of the discussion. Consider getting more involved by volunteering or partnering for a S.T.O.P. workshop.

I'm committed to this work, and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. Whether it's through workshops, digital campaigns, or grassroots engagement, I’m eager to expand our impact across New York City and State. You can get more involved with our work by signing up to volunteer, requesting a S.T.O.P. training, or emailing me directly. Together we can win the fight for privacy.

With thanks,
Will Luckman
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