S.T.O.P., IPVM Report Reveals Evolv Dismal Failure Rate Despite Astronomical Cost

S.T.O.P., IPVM Report Reveals Evolv Dismal Failure Rate Despite Astronomical Cost

For Immediate Release

S.T.O.P., IPVM Report Reveals Evolv Dismal Failure Rate Despite Astronomical Cost
The AI weapon detector firm previously gained national attention following federal investigations, shareholder lawsuits, and close connections to Mayor Eric Adams.

(New York, NY 3/12/24) – Today, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), a New York-based privacy and civil rights group, released Stand By Me: NYC Venues Stick With Evolv Despite Failures, a report revealing the high error rates and inaccuracy of Evolv weapon detectors in real-world conditions. S.T.O.P. and IPVM observed Evolv walk-through scanners in use at five of New York City’s top tourist venues and at a popular bowling alley. The original research found Evolv falsely flagged one in four visitors as having weapons when none of them did, with the error rate reaching as high as 54% on a rainy day. S.T.O.P. reached out to Evolv and the venues for comment but the venues either failed to reply or declined to comment.

SEE: Report - Stand By Me: NYC Venues Stick With Evolv Despite Failures

“Across New York City, Evolv is selling security theater with Broadway-caliber acting,” said Surveillance Technology Oversight Project Research Director Eleni Manis. “The city’s most prized venues are wasting huge sums of money on Evolv’s glorified metal detectors, which in reality are better at flagging umbrellas than weapons. Our original research findings contribute to the mounting evidence that this technology is a scam. It’s alarming that their business is only growing.”

“The survey results underscore that significant performance improvement is needed,” said IPVM Senior Research Engineer Nikita Ermolaev. “At the current performance, Evolv end-users need to compromise visitor security to match the improvements in visitor experience that Evolv marketed. On the positive side, Evolv's new CEO recently said that they aim to improve performance, but the extent of the possible improvement remains to be seen.”

Key Findings Include:
  • Many of New York City’s biggest tourist venues waste huge sums of money leasing Evolv sensors that frequently misidentify weapons and everyday objects;
  • Venues continue to spend over 20 times the cost of comparable metal detectors on Evolv rentals, even as the company faces everything from federal investigations to lawsuits for false advertising and falsified earnings;
  • S.T.O.P. and IPVM observed Evolv walk-through scanners in use at five top New York City attractions: three museums, one performing arts venue, and a sports stadium, as well as a popular bowling alley for comparison with the city’s largest venues;
  • S.T.O.P. and IPVM’s research found Evolv sensors falsely claimed that one in four visitors had weapons, when, in practice, none did. On rainy days, the false alarm rate could reach 54%;
  • Operators routinely ignored alarms or responded with only a cursory check, making the alerts almost entirely meaningless.
In October, S.T.O.P. welcomed a probe from the Department of Investigation into the Adams administration’s contracts with Evolv. That same month, NYPD shared that its monthlong pilot of Evolv on the subway recovered zero guns and triggered 118 false positives, a resounding failure.

SEE: Press Release - S.T.O.P. Welcomes DOI Probe Of Adams’ Subway Metal Detectors

City & State NY - The results are in! Evolv gun scanners recover zero guns in subways

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project is a non-profit advocacy organization and legal services provider. S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, fighting excessive local and state-level surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, and communities of color.


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