Introducing our 2023 Annual Report!

Introducing our 2023 Annual Report!


With our advocacy efforts reaching global platforms and our wins occurring even more frequently, 2023 has been an extraordinary year for S.T.O.P.! I am excited to present our 2023 annual report, highlighting the incredible achievements we have made together. This report is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team and the unwavering support from you, our community, which has propelled us forward in our mission.
Read Our 2023 Annual Report
Throughout 2023, your ongoing commitment has enabled us to achieve significant milestones, including:
  • Releasing 7 groundbreaking research projects.
  • Introducing Banning Big Brother, a 10-bill legislative package featuring pioneering bans on biometric surveillance, geofence warrants, police purchasing of data, and the use of fake social media profiles.
  • Winning a $17.5 a million dollar class-action settlement for New Yorkers that were forced to remove religious head coverings for mugshot photos between March 16th, 2014 and August 23rd, 2021. The settlement was secured at the tail end of 2023 and announced to the public in early 2024.
  • Banning “excited delirium” as a cause of death in California. The term is often used to justify killings at the hands of police and was used as an explanation for the deaths of George Floyd, Elijah McClain, and many other victims of police violence. S.T.O.P. helped author the bill used to ban the pseudoscientific term.
  • Launching a “Ban The Scan” public advocacy campaign calling for the passing of bills banning facial recognition and other biometric surveillance in New York City housing and public accommodations. New York also placed a statewide regulatory ban on facial recognition in K-12 schools, a decision that S.T.O.P. helped lobby for.
  • Appearing on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver for the second time! Our Executive Director, Albert Fox Cahn, was featured in a segment discussing AI, algorithmic bias, and the need to reign in and regulate AI-driven tools for hiring purposes. We’re still waiting for the call to host SNL, but we don’t think it’s far off!

We are so grateful for your involvement and the positive change you've helped us bring about as we work to end discriminatory mass surveillance. A heartfelt thank you to our remarkable staff, board members, interns, volunteers, and pro-bono partners who make our mission possible. Whether you are new to our cause or have been a steadfast supporter, we sincerely appreciate your incredible support.

We plan to keep the momentum going, and with your support, we can achieve even more in 2024 and beyond. With our incoming cohort of legal fellows equipped to sue the NYPD, and exciting research projects on the horizon, please consider donating to S.T.O.P. today!
In solidarity,
Maya Marcy
Communications Intern
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