S.T.O.P., Civil Rights Groups, & Lawmakers Launch NY Campaign For AI Accountability


For Immediate Release

S.T.O.P., Civil Rights Groups, & Lawmakers Launch NY Campaign For AI Accountability

(New York, NY 5/15/24) – Today, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) hosted a press conference joined by elected officials, NYC DSA Tech Action Working Group, and Thuley to launch “Empire State AI Accountability,” a legislative campaign to protect New Yorkers from the discriminatory impact of artificial intelligence. The bills include first-in-the-nation laws to hold big tech accountable for the risks AI poses in employment, public benefits, policing, and other high-risk areas, calling on the New York State legislature to make New York a model for implementing responsible AI legislation. Organizers and volunteers also shared information about the bills with New York State Senate and Assembly offices throughout the day.

SEE: Photos of Press Conference

“This is a milestone for A.I. accountability,” said Surveillance Technology Oversight Project Staff Attorney Nina Loshkajian. “After years of watching industry capture the A.I. debate with toothless regulations, it’s thrilling to join lawmakers and fellow activists to demand real A.I. accountability in New York State. Across the country, current laws do little to protect Americans from the biases inherent in A.I. systems that make critical decisions in so many aspects of life, from employment to policing. We’ve heard enough big tech lip service to civil rights. New York must seize this moment to lead the nation in implementing and enforcing truly effective AI legislation.”

“As artificial intelligence continues to advance, we must put the appropriate protections in place to limit the ways in which this new and rapidly changing technology can be abused," said Senator New York State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal. "The Bossware and Oppressive Technology, or BOT, Act (S.7623B) will do just that by placing restrictions on the use of the electronic surveillance systems that almost every Fortune 500 company is currently using to track, monitor, and discipline employees. Bossware, as well as other forms of artificial intelligence monitoring tools like facial recognition software, have been proven to contain bias and discriminate against people of color, women, LGBTQ people, and disabled people. That’s why in addition to the BOT Act we must pass the bill I sponsor to prohibit the use of biometric facial surveillance technology by law enforcement (S.1609). If these tools cannot be trusted to be fair and accurate then they should not be used to determine important decisions related to one’s job status or criminal culpability. We cannot let our desire for technological advancement override our constitutionally guaranteed rights to privacy and to live and work free from discrimination.”

“With the rapid expansion of AI and automated decision-making tools throughout the United States and abroad, governments are faced with a pivotal choice," said Assemblyman Steve Otis, Chair of the Assembly Science and Technology Committee. "There is no doubt that we see the transformative benefits of automated decision-making. The question is will we provide the guardrails and protections to address the risks of bias, discrimination, and loss of privacy? AI, with the safeguards and transparency, will be a success. Without protections, we will face the real threat of unaccountable decision-making, individual harm, and loss of freedom. New York needs to lead the way.”

SEE: Tech Policy Press - New York’s AI Policy Falls Short On Surveillance

The Hill - AI is causing massive hiring discrimination based on disability

S.T.O.P. worked with lawmakers to introduce…
  • LOADinG Act (S7543A Gonzalez/A9430 Otis)
  • Chief AI Officer (S9104 Gonzalez/TBD Solages)
  • Law Enforcement Biometrics Ban S1609 (S1609 Hoylman-Sigal/A1891 Glick)
  • Bossware and Oppressive Technologies Act (S7623B Hoylman-Sigal/A9315 Alvarez)

SEE: The New York State Senate – Senate Bill S7543A

The New York State Senate – Senate Bill S9104

The New York State Senate – Senate Bill S1609 

The New York State Senate – Senate Bill S7623B

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project is a non-profit advocacy organization and legal services provider. S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, fighting excessive local and state-level surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, and communities of color.


CONTACT: S.T.O.P. Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn.
Copyright © 2021 Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, All rights reserved.

PressLeticia Murillo