S.T.O.P. is celebrating its fifth birthday, and there’s plenty of tinfoil party hats to go around! Except to NYPD’s dust-collecting robots, who aren’t invited to any festivities.
In the years since S.T.O.P.’s inception, we’ve fought tirelessly against the rapid adoption of surveillance technologies across New York City. Our work has greatly shaped law and public opinion, and we’ve done it through our cutting-edge research projects, relentless advocacy campaigns, and assertive communications strategy.
None of this would be possible without supporters like YOU! It’s a fact we can’t stress enough, especially for an organization that has accelerated a one-of-a-kind mission with uninterrupted progress. With so much more to be done on the path to abolish mass surveillance, we ask that you join us in our 5th birthday celebration by donating today, kickstarting the next chapter in our fight!