August Fundraiser



Surveillance technology is becoming increasingly pervasive in our day-to-day lives. From facial recognition technology falsely identifying innocent people to police circumventing standard practices to obtain your private information and messages, the need to protect our community grows stronger every day. 

Since 2019, S.T.O.P. has stood up to the surveillance state. We write groundbreaking laws, publish cutting-edge research, and take police departments to court. Earlier this year, we introduced a 10-bill package with first-of-their-kind legislation banning the surveillance technology that oversteps on our individual freedoms. Whether it’s facial recognition, social media monitoring, DNA dragnets, or military-grade drones, we’re dismantling mass surveillance one spy tool at a time.

We’re winning this fight, but we need your help to keep it up.

For years, surveillance salesmen pitched their technology as essential to safety, but as our work has proven, it’s only harming us.  Surveillance companies have billions of dollars in venture capital – but we have you.
As this movement continues to gain momentum, your support will be everlasting in our fight to properly equip and protect our communities. A new generation of organizers and activists are gearing up to tackle emergent systems of mass surveillance. Their success depends on your commitment to a surveillance-free future. The choice is ours. Please consider a donation today.
With thanks,
Leticia Murillo
Development Associate
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