Video Game Content Moderation Survey



From fighting enemy teams to crushing candy on your phone, playing video games is the perfect escape. They give you a space to put your skills to the test, make new friends, and explore new interests. But as exciting and adventurous as gaming can be, bad actors and negative sentiments can also ruin the experience. Content moderation helps stop trolls, but it can also go off the rails, penalizing people for saying legitimate things.

Have you ever been “moderated” when playing video games? Have you seen content moderation go right, or go wrong? We want to hear from you! We hope you’ll take 5 minutes to fill out a survey about content moderation and share your experiences with us.

Take the survey here!

Our research team is writing a paper on content moderation and mis-moderation in video games. Your experiences will inform our work on how content moderation affects gamers. We also want to hear your opinion about how content moderation can be improved.

Not a gamer, but know someone who is? Feel free to share this email with them!

We look forward to hearing your stories and thoughts, and hope to work together to improve the spaces we game in!

In solidarity,
Leticia Murillo
Development Associate
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