MEDIA AVAILABILITY: S.T.O.P. Responds To NYC Council Facial Recognition Hearing




S.T.O.P. Responds To NYC Council Facial Recognition Hearing

(NEW YORK, NY, 2/23/2023) 
– On Friday, February 24th at 11 AM EST the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) will be available for comment in response to a hearing by the New York City Council’s Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection against facial recognition. S.T.O.P. will provide testimony before the hearing on New York City businesses’ use of facial recognition, urging the Council to take long-overdue steps to reign in New York’s growing facial recognition threat. Specifically, S.T.O.P. will push back on the city council for blocking proposed facial recognition bans for more than two years now, while also excluding such legislation from the Committee’s hearing. The hearing comes after multiple controversies over the use of facial recognition by venues owned by Madison Square Garden Entertainment.

  • WHAT: S.T.O.P. Responds To NYC Council Facial Recognition Hearing
  • WHO: S.T.O.P. Executive Director, Albert Fox Cahn
  • WHEN: Friday, February 24th, 11 AM EST
  • WHERE: City Hall Park, New York, NY 10007
  • CONTACT: S.T.O.P. Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn; S.T.O.P. Communications Director Will Owen.

SEE: New York City Council Committee on Worker and Consumer Protection – Oversight - The Use of Facial Recognition in New York City Businesses|&Search=

Press Release - S.T.O.P. Condemns MSG CEO For Doubling Down On Facial Recognition


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