Anti-Surveillance Summer Reading


Fall is fast approaching, but S.T.O.P.’s got some last-minute summer reading! We published a record number of opinion pieces this August, covering topics ranging from ableism in AI to Facebook’s complicity in abortion surveillance:

Slate - The New Way Police Could Use Your Google Searches Against You

Executive Director, Albert Fox Cahn, and Research Intern, Julian Melendi, unpack the dangers of keyword warrants post-Roe, which help police find every device user googling a specific person, place or thing—including anything related to abortion care where the procedure is now criminalized.
The Boston Globe - Your camera, the police, and you

Fox Cahn addresses a difficult truth for users of Amazon Ring and other home surveillance cameras: You may draw comfort seeing everyone who walks by your house, but you’re the one being watched most by your home security system, and it’s a lot simpler than you think for the police to look.
The Daily Beast - How Tech Treats Students With Disabilities Like Criminals

On the 32-year anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), S.T.O.P. Legal Fellow, Evan Enzer, and Advocacy Intern, Sarah Roth, show the law needs a major update to protect neurodivergent and disabled students in the age of AI and nonstop school surveillance.
Wired - Alex Jones’ Accidental Text Dump Is Hilarious—and Alarming

The conspiracy theorist's breathtaking blunder understandably put smiles on many faces, but Fox Cahn reveals how it also underscores the urgent need to revamp ediscovery in US law.
Fast Company - A first-of-its-kind law in Houston poses a major threat to privacy

Enzer and Melendi sound the alarm on a new Houston ordinance that requires companies to install cameras on their property without public oversight, posing a major threat to privacy—and all at the expense of local businesses.
Bottom Line Inc. – Your Car Is Spying On You

Your car knows a lot about you, from your location information to how fast you drive. Fox Cahn offers straightforward tips on how to protect your sensitive data from car surveillance.
Wired – Facebook’s Message Encryption Was Built To Fail

Facebook chats between a teen and her mom about an alleged abortion helped police build their case. Fox Cahn shows there was so much more Meta could have done to safeguard their data, starting with default end-to-end encryption.
We know this isn’t the lightest beach reading, per se, but our articles do make these shadowy systems of surveillance less opaque. For some extra summer reading, check out S.T.O.P.’s recent research reports and delve deeper into anti-surveillance topics.
With thanks,
Will Owen
Communications Director 
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