S.T.O.P. Holds Series Of Public Protests Against NYPD Surveillance


For Immediate Release

S.T.O.P. Holds Series Of Public Protests Against NYPD Surveillance

(New York, NY 7/1/22) – Yesterday, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), a New York-based privacy and civil rights group, protested NYPD geolocation tracking surveillance by simulating a geofence warrant in Washington Square Park. Geofence warrants are court orders that allow police to force Google and other tech companies to identify every device user in a specified area. On Tuesday, S.T.O.P. also held a spy-in at NYPD headquarters at One Police Plaza, joining fellow anti-surveillance advocates to turn the cameras back on law enforcement and demand NYPD never surveil out-of-state abortion seekers after the overruling of Roe v. Wade. Both events were part of “Stop Surveillance Summer,” a month-long hybrid event series organized by S.T.O.P. opposing NYPD surveillance.

SEE: Protest Photos and Videos

The Markup – What are geofence warrants?

“The sheer extent of policing spyware in our city can be hard to fathom,” said Surveillance Technology Oversight Project Communications Manager Will Owen. “That is why it’s so important to show New Yorkers the true scope of NYPD’s digital surveillance dragnet. With our geofence simulation, we lay bare the location tracking that allows NYPD to circumvent the Constitution and spy on thousands of New Yorkers at a time. And at One Police Plaza, we let NYPD know directly that their surveillance abuses against BIPOC, Muslim, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ New Yorkers will not stand. After the Supreme Court decision on Roe last week, we also demanded NYPD never spy on abortion seekers traveling to New York for care or share reproductive health data with law enforcement in anti-choice states.”

SEE: S.T.O.P. Report – Pregnancy Panopticon

In early June, the civil rights group organized a City Hall rally against surveillance technology. Participants condemned the use of facial recognition, geofence warrants, subway metal detectors, and other forms of discriminatory surveillance. In May, S.T.O.P. welcomed a letter from 40 Democratic senators and representatives calling on Google to delete individualized location data that police can use to enforce abortion bans.

SEE: News 12 Brooklyn - Surveillance tech and facial recognition a point of concern for advocates in NY

Press Release - S.T.O.P. Welcomes Congressional Call For Google To Delete Location Data

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project is a non-profit advocacy organization and legal services provider. S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, fighting excessive local and state-level surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, and communities of color.

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CONTACT: S.T.O.P. Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn
Copyright © 2021 Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, All rights reserved.

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