Here's to you

Dear *|FNAME|*,
As we’re preparing for a much-needed break to spend time with our friends and family, we want to take a moment to thank you for all of your support this year.

With your help, S.T.O.P. had major victories in the fight against mass surveillance this year. We brought our mission to brand new heights and new audiences as we hit the TED stage in September, and had impactful collaborations on social media, with our surveillance resources downloaded more than 20,000 times! Alongside the Legal Aid Society, we also revealed nearly $3 billion in secret surveillance equipment that the NYPD hid from the public, which was $2.5 billion more than previously reported. Finally, a New York Supreme Court judge ordered the NYPD to hand over up to 2,700 documents related to its use of surveillance technology on BLM protesters after S.T.O.P. and Amnesty International sued the NYPD to demand they show us their records on facial recognition and other spy tools. Despite their appeal, we will push forward in the fight to reveal the NYPD’s secrets surrounding their use of surveillance tech on innocent protesters.

And we’ve grown so much internally as well! In 2022, we hired our first Legal Director, first Development Associate, first Operations Associate, and a Staff Accountant. This incredible growth could not have happened without your support.

Whether you donated to our campaigns, bought our first official wearable, attended our events, shared our work on social media, or volunteered with us, your support is what we’re most thankful for here at S.T.O.P.!

With 2023 fast approaching, we can’t wait to see what we’ll achieve in the upcoming year. And if you’re able to give this end-of-year, you can QUINTUPLE your impact: from now until December 31, donations will be multiplied by 5 thanks to a dollar-for-dollar match from a major generous funder!
With thanks,
Sam Van Doran
Development Director
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