S.T.O.P. Condemns SFPD Proposal For Lethal Force Robots


For Immediate Release


S.T.O.P. Condemns SFPD Proposal For Lethal Force Robots

(New York, NY 11/29/22) – Today, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), a New York-based privacy and civil rights group, condemns the San Francisco Police Department’s proposal to use robots with lethal force while responding to incidents. According to reporting by The Guardian, SFPD has partnered with Remotec, a defense firm with robots already in use by the U.S. army that can be modified with machine gun and grenade-launching capabilities. S.T.O.P. warned the alarming proposal would exacerbate the national crisis of civilian deaths at the hands of police.

SEE: The Guardian - San Francisco police propose using robots capable of ‘deadly force’

NPR - San Francisco considers allowing law enforcement robots to use lethal force

“A fleet of killer robots is the absolute last thing any police department needs,” said Surveillance Technology Oversight Project Communications Director Will Owen. “This isn’t just bad sci-fi. It’s the reality of just how out of control police technology has become. SFPD’s terrifying proposal shows a complete disregard for human life, and we must stop it in its tracks before any of these robots hit the streets of San Francisco or any other U.S. city.”

SFPD’s proposal comes after Dallas police used a bomb-carrying robot to kill a suspect in 2016. S.T.O.P. strongly condemned SFPD’s attempt to bring the dystopian, dehumanizing technology to San Francisco. Last year, public backlash successfully stopped NYPD’s deployment of robotic dogs in New York City.

SEE: Fox 4 KDFW - Killer robot used by Dallas PD opens ethical debate

The New York Times - N.Y.P.D. Robot Dog’s Run Is Cut Short After Fierce Backlash

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project is a non-profit advocacy organization and legal services provider. S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, fighting excessive local and state-level surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, and communities of color.

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CONTACT: S.T.O.P. Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn

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PressWilliam Owen