No Apple Spyware, No NYPD Database

It was an exciting week of solidarity at S.T.O.P., taking to the streets with partners in the fight against surveillance. 

On Monday night, we stood with Fight for the Future, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Calyx Institute at the Apple Store in Downtown Brooklyn to demand they abandon their misguided plan to scan our devices. Apple already agreed to press pause on plans to sabotage iOS devices with an encryption backdoor, but we continue to call on the tech giant to go further and pledge never to break its privacy promises to the public.

On Wednesday, S.T.O.P. was at City Hall with fellow GANGS coalition members and Councilmember Antonio Reynoso to introduce a ban of the NYPD’s racist Gang Database. Formerly incarcerated individuals and their loved ones explained how this dangerous tool terrorizes New Yorkers and rips families apart.
Photo Credit: GANGS Coalition
S.T.O.P. will continue to fight against this backwards database, but we need your support. Join us tomorrow and tell City Hall to #EraseTheDatabaseNYC.
In Solidarity,
Nina Loshkajian
D.A.T.A. Law Fellow
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