Our First Shareholder Meeting

At S.T.O.P., we focus on abusive government surveillance tools like facial recognition. But today we took the rare step of focusing on one of the companies that enables these abuses: Amazon.
Working with a group of shareholders and the advocacy group Open Mic, we presented a resolution calling for an independent review of Amazon’s customers’ human rights violations.  As we advocate for a permanent ban on facial recognition sales, we must catalog the harms these technologies already inflict.
S.T.O.P.'s Aly Panjwani and fellow protesters inside the lobby of Blackrock, May 24. 
Over 2,000 American police and fire departments partner with Amazon Ring. Not only has Ring’s home surveillance platform enabled widespread tracking of BIPOC communities, but it’s even been misused by police to spy on Black Lives Matter protesters.
Will you join us by writing a letter to shareholders in support of these resolutions here? It only takes a few seconds.  
In solidarity,
Aly Panjwani
Policy & Advocacy Manager


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