They’re Listening…And So Should You!

A lot of modern surveillance is invisible to the naked eye, but now you can hear about it with S.T.O.P.’s new podcast: Surveillance and the City.
We explore the latest surveillance headlines, take deep dives into cutting-edge technology, pull back the curtain on local policing politics, and examine the historical context that makes modern surveillance possible. Lastly, we explore how life imitates art in Stranger than Science Fiction, our segment examining how the dystopian surveillance of fiction is becoming an inescapable fact of life.
In our first few episodes, we’ve covered everything from protest surveillance, to COVID-19 contact tracing, to cellphone location tracking, and whether TikTok deserves to be banned.

If you haven’t listened yet, download it now on the podcast platform of your choice. And if you have time to help us spread the word, please consider leaving a rating and review.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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