What Comes Next?

For millions of Americans, we can breathe easier today, a four-year-old weight lifted from our chests. Today is a day to celebrate, to rejoice, and to be thankful for the tens of millions of people who braved historic hurdles, risking their health, to vote in the middle of a pandemic.
That effort has brought us something almost unrecognizable in 2020: hope. In a year that has redefined the limits of loss, we finally see a path forward to a better life. Rather than simply reacting to new abuses from Washington, we can channel our energy into redressing age-old injustices.
The Presidential election was the indispensable first step towards that reality, but it’s just the first. And as we know all too well, simply turning back the clock to 2016 will not be enough to undo centuries of discrimination, state violence, and abuse. For over-policed communities, we cannot simply restore the “normalcy” that Trump shattered…we need to do better.

That’s why this election is so important, not because of what it guarantees, but because of what it makes possible. In the coming days we’ll tell you more about how we can build on the electoral momentum, but that can wait until tomorrow. Today, we join millions in breathing that sigh of relief and taking a moment to be grateful for the guarantees of democracy.
With gratitude,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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