Our Latest Litigation Win!

For years, we’ve fought in court to stop the NYPD from ripping religious attire off New Yorkers’ heads when arrested. Today, a Federal judge in the the Southern District of New York agreed.
This is a major milestone in our campaign to end the traumatizing policy that has forced thousands of New Yorkers to undress against their will as part of a NYPD effort to expand their facial recognition database. The ruling green-lights us to move forward with the litigation, denying the NYPD’s motion to dismiss the case.
Facial recognition is terrifying, but forcing religiously observant New Yorkers to undress against their will --so they can be tracked by the Orwellian technology -- is just sickening. New Yorkers are able to get a drivers’ license or passport while wearing religious head coverings like the hijab, and there’s absolutely no reason for it to be removed by police.

We’re still a long way from ending the NYPD’s policy, but I know that with your support we can win this campaign. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our litigation work. With your help, we can make sure that this sort of injustice never goes unaddressed.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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