A Message From The Future

Newsletter - December 27, 2019

“The year is 2020, and the fight against the surveillance state is over. Robots fly overhead, and camera nets scour the city, using biometric surveillance to log our every step. The cell phones that once promised to put the world in our palms have now become our electronic wardens, feeding a constant stream of data back to the ever-watchful algorithms.”
Ten years ago, that scene would have felt like science fiction. Today, in China and other authoritarian regimes, it’s everyday life. As we close out the decade, we ask you: what sort of future do you want for your communities?
At S.T.O.P., we know technological change will only accelerate in the next decade, and we need your help to keep up. Can you donate $100 to cover the cost of a S.T.O.P. privacy workshop next year?

The terrifying reality is that most of the surveillance tools we hear about being abused abroad remain legal here at home. Warrantless drone flights, facial recognition, social media monitoring, and vehicle tracking: all invasive and all completely unregulated. We can push back to reclaim our rights, but only with your support. $100 will cover the cost of a privacy education workshop, but giving at any level will help us keep up the fight for a free and open future. Please donate today.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director