A week to remember.

Last week was an exciting milestone here at stop: our first Week of Digital Action. You may be wondering: what the heck is that? It was a week-long campaign to bring together supporters to push one of our biggest priorities, the POST Act.
We’ve told you about the POST Act before, a bill that will close the NYPD’s “surveillance loophole” and let lawmakers know what spy tools the NYPD uses to monitor New Yorkers. The POST Act holds the NYPD to the same standard as the FBI, which already issues privacy policies on when tools can be used and with whom the data can be shared.
Partners ranging from national NGOs like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, to grassroots organizations like Cryptoparty Ann Arbor, and even elected officials like Council Member Brad Lander, all took to social media to demand the City Council enact the bill. Most importantly, it worked! Twenty City Council Members now support the POST Act!  Our executive director, Albert Fox Cahn, even testified in support of the measure at the city council.
As Albert told lawmakers: “The Post Act is indispensable, because, while it doesn’t ban a single tool, while it doesn’t stop the NYPD from conducting surveillance, it creates due process. It creates standards, it creates privacy protections, and it creates the framework to have further reforms. Because as the “gang” database has shown us, when we allow these tools to operate without oversight, without regulation, and without redress, the pattern of discrimination is quite clear.” 

Will you take 3 minutes to call your City Council Member and tell them you also support the POST Act?
In solidarity,
The S.T.O.P. Team
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