Just 24 Hours Left To Protect Our Kids

In just a day, the legislative session will end, and with it our chance for one of the most urgent privacy reforms in New York: ending facial recognition in schools.
That’s right, this dystopian technology is now being rolled-out in our children’s classrooms. One town, Lockport, NY, squandered $4 million on facial recognition cameras, using technology that is more error-prone for women and New Yorkers of color.
As our executive director and civil rights intern wrote in a recent op-ed: “Bias would be reason enough to scrap this Orwellian misadventure, but things get worse. Facial recognition fails more often for minors and people under stress. That’s right, they’re putting a racist surveillance technology that’s undermined by moody teenagers…in a high school.”
The exciting thing is that we can end it, we can end this digital discrimination.  Right now, we need every New Yorker who’s committed to privacy to call their state senator and demand passage of S5140. You can find your senator by visiting https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator or dialing 1-833-576-2258. We only have one day left, so this is the moment to make the call!
In solidarity,
The S.T.O.P. Team
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