S.T.O.P. Condemns J.P. Morgan Facial Recognition Launch

S.T.O.P. Condemns J.P. Morgan Facial Recognition Launch

For Immediate Release

S.T.O.P. Condemns J.P. Morgan Facial Recognition Launch

(New York, NY, 8/12/2024) – Today, the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), a New York-based privacy and civil rights group, condemns the launch of J.P. Morgan Payments and PopID’s facial recognition payment system at Whataburger restaurants around the country. J.P. Morgan Payments and PopID plan to expand the “pay-by-face” system at more retailers in the near future. The civil rights group warned the facial recognition payment system will put customers’ sensitive biometric data at risk, and renewed its call on lawmakers to ban the technology.

SEE: Forbes - No Card, No Phone, No Problem - Pay With Your Face Instead

“Hey Whataburger, what about privacy?” said Surveillance Technology Oversight Project Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn. “No burger is worth giving up your biometric privacy. This technology is completely different from the sorts of facial recognition we’ve gotten used to on our cellphones in recent years. When we give companies permission to scan our faces, it opens up the doors to a lot of abusive marketing and tracking. No one should have to worry that they’ll lose their privacy because they bought a bacon burger. These companies treat our data like a Whataburger milkshake; they drink it up.”

In June, S.T.O.P., elected officials and civil rights groups held a press conference and rally on the steps of New York City Hall to urge the New York City Council to ban facial recognition and other forms of biometric surveillance. The rally took place ahead of a City Council hearing with the Committee on Technology to discuss two bills, both part of the “Ban The Scan” legislative campaign, which would ban the use of facial recognition by landlords and public accommodations in New York City.

SEE: Press Release - Electeds, Advocates Rally Against Facial Recognition Before City Council Hearing

Last year, S.T.O.P. joined an Amazon customer, Peter Romer-Friedman Law PLLC, and Pollock Cohen LLP in filing a proposed class action lawsuit claiming that Amazon illegally failed to notify customers that Amazon Go stores in New York City collect biometric data. Amazon Go stores use “Just Walk Out” surveillance technology that tracks each customer’s movements and purchases in a store. The case was filed under New York City’s 2021 biometric notice law, which requires businesses to post signs warning customers whenever their biometric information is being collected.

SEE: Press Release - Class Action Claims Amazon Illegally Hid its Biometric Surveillance From Go Store Customers in NYC

The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project is a non-profit advocacy organization and legal services provider. S.T.O.P. litigates and advocates for privacy, fighting excessive local and state-level surveillance. Our work highlights the discriminatory impact of surveillance on Muslim Americans, immigrants, and communities of color.


CONTACT: S.T.O.P. Executive Director Albert Fox Cahn
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