Say hello to S.T.O.P.’s 2024 summer interns!


Say hello to S.T.O.P.’s newest interns! We’re thrilled to welcome our largest group yet, reflecting S.T.O.P.’s expansion as an organization and the growing movement to end mass surveillance in New York and beyond. No matter the temperature, we won't be slowing down this summer.

Our Summer 2024 Intern Class
Casey McLaughlin
Advocacy Intern

Casey is a Masters of Public Policy candidate at the Harvard Kennedy School where she is studying how to effectively govern emerging technologies for the benefit of our most vulnerable communities and the global community at large. She worked for over five years at the Open Society Foundations in their technology and data program, as well as in organizational strategy. Prior to that, Casey served as an AmeriCorps Fellow supporting immigrants applying for US citizenship. She graduated Boston College in 2017 with a BA in International Studies and a minor in Hispanic studies, and she is fluent in Spanish.
Caterina Barrena Hyneman
Legal Intern

Caterina Barrena Hyneman is a second-year student and the 2024 Nina Pastor Fellow for Technology and Justice at NYU School of Law. Prior to law school, Caterina was a software engineer at Appian, where she was part of the Women in Engineering committee. In addition to her teamwork, she also led an independent project to improve the product’s accessibility for people with disabilities. Caterina graduated from Dartmouth College in 2021 with a major in Government and minors in Computer Science in Hispanic Studies. Her thesis focused on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and won the Rockefeller Prize in International Relations.
Chaya Kimbell
Research and Advocacy Intern

Chaya Kimbell is a third-year Ethics and Politics student at Bard College Berlin and current member of Amnesty International's Digital Verification Corps. Previously, at the Cambridge Security Initiative, they examined accountability mechanisms involving the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Their research interests lie at the intersection of surveillance studies and political theory; they are particularly interested in the impact of public-private surveillance partnerships on political agency.
Chloe Cowan
Legal Intern

Chloe Cowan is a recent graduate of Northeastern University, where she earned a B.S. in Computer Science and Sociology. She will be attending Carnegie Mellon University in the fall at Heinz college to complete a M.S. in Public Policy and Data Analytics. She is interested primarily in addressing collective concerns over data privacy and implementing traceability mechanisms in algorithms.
Claire Brouillard
Research Intern
Claire Brouillard is a rising senior at Bryn Mawr College studying sociology. She is interested in a range of topics surrounding the criminal legal system, including but not limited to privacy, surveillance, policing, and mass incarceration. She has previously served as a teaching assistant for Quantitative Methods in the Sociology department at Bryn Mawr, a position which she will resume in the fall after returning from her semester abroad at Trinity College Dublin.
Claire Cleary
Civil Rights Intern
Claire is a rising junior at Columbia University studying Sociology with a minor in History. She also serves as a Deputy City News Editor for the Columbia Daily Spectator, where she has reported on topics such as public transit surveillance and the NYPD’s continued use of stop-and-frisk practices. Her coursework and journalism experience has led to an interest in civil rights work regarding mass surveillance and policing.
Dhivahari Vivek
Research Intern
Dhivahari is a summer policy research intern at S.T.O.P. and a 2025 candidate for the Master's in Public Policy at Duke University. Her concentration is in technology policy, with a focus on the privacy impacts of emerging invasive technology. Prior to her graduate education, she worked as a technical consultant, during which she gained considerable experience designing, building and testing state government data systems. In her spare time, Dhivahari enjoys playing/watching/listening to D&D, logging hours on her Nintendo Switch, and reading sci-fi and fantasy.
Jessica Lynn
Legal Intern
Jessica Lynn is a rising 2L at Berkeley Law with an interest in privacy and surveillance. She is a co-leader of the Digital Rights Project, a program through which law students conduct factual research to support the ACLU of Northern California in its digital civil liberties work.
Juliana Weber
Communications Intern
Juliana is a senior at Barnard College of Columbia University pursuing a triple major in Political Science, Human Rights, and Ancient Studies. She plans to attend law school after completing her undergraduate education. At STOP, she is interested in the intersection of human and civil rights law and privacy violations.
Khushi Chhaya
Development Intern
Khushi Chhaya (she/her) is a Nonprofit Development Intern with S.T.O.P. She is a sophomore at Barnard College studying Economics and Human Rights. She is interested in a number of social justice issues, including privacy rights and the over-surveillance of marginalized communities. Her experience in political and voting empowerment has made her passionate about making sure every voice is heard and respected, and her time working in student journalism has helped her in pursuing that passion.
Lena Ghrama
Legal Intern
Lena is a rising 3L at CUNY School of Law with an interest in the intersection of criminal and immigration law, and protecting the civil liberties of Muslims and communities of color. Lena previously worked at CAIR NY serving Muslims in NYC. She is currently a student attorney at the CLEAR clinic at CUNY Law where she represents and counsels clients who are predominantly Muslim- that are targeted by federal government agencies under the guise of national security.
Malcolm Rakshan
Legal Intern
Malcolm is a rising 2L at Fordham Law School where he established Fordham’s Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association and is a founding member of the International Law Students Association. Prior to law school, he was the paralegal and grant writer for CAIR-NY. There, he worked on a wide array of civil rights cases and public policy initiatives to defend, empower, and advocate for Muslim New Yorkers. He has a bachelor’s in political science and English literature from Columbia University and a master’s degree in Near & Middle Eastern Studies from SOAS, University of London. Ultimately, Malcolm is deeply invested in limiting the overreach of surveillance technology on a global scale especially as it impacts marginalized communities. He is passionate about community organizing, engaging with New York’s diverse cultural offerings, and creating new solidarities.
Maya Marcy
Communications Intern
This summer, Maya serves as a S.T.O.P. Communications Intern. She is a rising senior at Barnard College studying history and political science, aspiring to be a criminal defense attorney focused on protecting freedom of speech. She's dedicated to prisoners' rights, restorative justice, and decarceration strategies. As an intern, Maya is eager to contribute to projects addressing the NYPD's suppression of free speech and political advocacy through surveillance.
Miles Horner
Research Intern
I’m Miles, a rising junior majoring in Science and Technology Studies at Wesleyan University. I’m interested in the intersection between AI, data collection and hegemonic power structures. I also farm. :)
Priyanka Shetty
Legal Intern
Priyanka Shetty graduated from Brown University with a B.A. in political science. She worked for two years at the Harris County Public Defender’s Office as a Partners for Justice Fellow, where she assisted clients with various social services, such as applying for government benefits, securing housing, or drafting mitigation memorandums. She then worked as a civil rights investigator for a national impact litigation organization, investigating and supporting federal lawsuits around bail, police abuse, and probation issues. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, baking and exploring new coffee shops in the city.
Sherry Liao
Legal Intern
Sherry Liao is a summer legal intern at STOP and a rising 2L at NYU Law School. During her undergraduate studies at Vassar College, she double majored in Economics and Science, Technology, and Society (STS). She has since developed a keen interest in the intersection of law and technology.
After celebrating S.T.O.P.'s fifth birthday in April, we couldn't be more grateful for the support that has brought us here. With your help, we can't wait to continue our success this summer!
In Solidarity,
Team S.T.O.P.
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