Our Team Is Growing!


We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to S.T.O.P.’s new spring interns! As our team continues to grow, so does our impact. We are so excited to gain more ground in the fight against mass surveillance in 2024!

Our Spring 2024 Intern Class
Ashley Vega
Legal Intern

Ashley Michelle Vega is a current 3L at Brooklyn Law School with an interest in privacy law, cybersecurity law, and technology transactions. Prior to law school, she completed her bachelor's degrees in Political Science - Public Service and Communication at the University of California, Davis in 2020.
Brooke Cordes
Advocacy Intern
Brooke is a Senior Political Science and Criminology major with a minor in Business at Villanova University. She seeks to combine her academic prowess with a lifelong passion for social justice through her work as an Advocacy Intern.
Claudio Castillo
Communications Intern
This spring, Claudio (they/them) serves as a S.T.O.P. Communications Intern. Currently a sophomore Computer Science student at Pomona College, their academics strongly incorporate ethnic, gender, science and technology, and political studies to critically engage technology in everyday life. As an intern, they hope to work with and learn from all S.T.O.P. teams, while at the same time highlighting the organization's work through communications outreach.
DaJonna Richardson
Legal Intern
DaJonna Richardson is a third-year student at the University of Colorado School of Law and Student Bar Association President for the 2023-2024 school year. She earned a B.S. in Political Science with a minor in history from Howard University. She decided to pursue a Doctor of Law degree at the University of Colorado Boulder, to focus on Technology Law & Data Privacy, International Law, with an emphasis in Public Interest. She is a native Washingtonian and is expected to obtain a license to practice law in Colorado and the District of Columbia.
Lyla Renwick-Archibold
Research Intern
Lyla Renwick-Archibold is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying computer science and brain sciences. Through her experiences studying human rights and technology in Amsterdam and interning at a startup in Cape Town, Lyla developed an interest in the misuse of technology and how they affect society. She has continued to pursue this interest by spearheading a research project at the McKelvey School of Engineering about the toxicity of AI chatbots. She is interested in pursuing a law degree and working on developing global regulation to lead to equitable technology development and usage.
Marwa Sayed
Legal Intern
Marwa is a second year law student interested in privacy and surveillance with an emphasis on post 9/11 national security developments. Prior to law school, she worked in housing and homelessness law and policy.
Owen May
Research Intern
Owen May is a current Junior at the University of Pittsburgh studying Political Science, Law, and Computer Science. He is interested in a broad range of topics surrounding digital technology, including algorithmic advertising, data privacy rights, and autonomous security systems.
Reagan Razon
Research Intern
Reagan is a junior at Duke University studying Computer Science and pursuing a certificate in Child Policy Research. She is part of the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program, which is a group of young leaders striving to make transformational contributions to society. Her interests surround topics in privacy, surveillance, safety, racial equity in education, computer science education, data science, and algorithmic bias. She has previously served as a Research Assistant with Ethical Tech, where she explored surveillance technology use in post-secondary schools. Currently, Reagan is examining race and computing as a Research Assistant with Bass Connections and is advancing equity on campus as an Armstrong Ambassador with Duke’s Center for Multicultural Affairs.
Scarlett Galvin
Communications Intern
Scarlett Galvin is currently a junior at American University, working towards a BA in Communication Studies with a minor in Studio Art. She is originally from New York City.
Sophia Wright
Research Intern
Sophia is an undergraduate student at UCLA studying Sociology with minors in Public Affairs and Information and Media Literacy. Their work centers around making surveillance oversight research accessible to the American public to spread awareness about privacy rights violations. In particular, they are interested in exposing the government's use of surveillance technology to target activists. Outside of work, Sophia can be found rock climbing, crocheting, and spending time with her pet frog.
Vianca Figueroa
Legal Intern
Vianca Figueroa is a native Bronxite, and she graduated from Boston College in 2014 with a degree in History. She worked as an eviction prevention case manager at BronxWorks Homebase, and after discovering her desire become a legal advocate, she then worked at Legal Services NYC as a public benefits paralegal. She is now a 2L at CUNY School of Law and is interested in participating in high impact litigation work to help promote economic and social justice.
S.T.O.P.’s growth over the past five years has been miraculous, but we’re still not done. With your support, S.T.O.P. will continue to grow into the organization needed to dismantle mass surveillance.
In Solidarity,
Team S.T.O.P.
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