Introducing our new Advocacy Manager!


Dear all,

I could not be more honored to join S.T.O.P. as the organization’s Advocacy Manager and work alongside fierce champions leading the way towards the abolition of mass surveillance.

As a child of refugees and an immigrant rights organizer, I have seen the extent to which many of our community members are subjected to hyper surveillance, racial profiling, and harassment from law enforcement. At the same time, I have also witnessed the strength and success of movements led by the most directly impacted. As government agencies and technology companies develop and re-purpose new forms of hyper-surveillance, it will be crucial that our advocacy strategy reflects the needs of those immediately targeted.

I am eager to build upon the legacy of advocates and organizers (within and beyond S.T.O.P.) preceding me. So long that our fight against carceral and surveillance technologies is a collective one that centers the experiences and voices of those most marginalized, I believe we will win.
In solidarity,
Kat Phan
Advocacy Manager
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