2 Lawsuits In 1 Week!



Last week was eventful here at S.T.O.P.! After making national news by suing Amazon, it took just a couple days for us to make headlines again, this time suing the NYPD!

We’ve sued the NYPD before, but this time is different. We’re not only fighting for records we requested, we’re fighting to change how America’s biggest police force responds to Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests from countless journalists, advocates, and everyday New Yorkers. Working with lawyers from the leading litigation firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, we documented NYPD delays in 42,000 recent FOIL requests. The NYPD’s copy-and-paste delays and denials not only hide how they police New York City, they break the law.

We know there’s still a lot of work ahead of us. But with ongoing support from partners like you, we also know we can hold police and companies accountable when they break the law.

In solidarity,
Albert Fox Cahn
Executive Director
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