The Year We End Geofence Warrants


As we look forward to the start of the new year, we’re taking stock of one of our biggest accomplishment’s yet. Just a few days ago, we saw years of work pay off when Google announced it would protect users’ location data, storing it locally on their devices. This crucial change blocks police from using geofence warrants – the invasive and unconstitutional dragnet that can track everyone in an entire city. S.T.O.P spearheaded the national fight against these terrifying searches, highlighting the threat they posed, especially their risks to abortion access in a post-Roe world.

Not only are we fighting for Google and other companies to change their policies, we’re fighting for legislation in New York State that will end this threat once and for all: New York’s Reverse Location Search Prohibition Act. With this legislation we can end the danger that a single court order can track every person at a protest, a medical office, or a house of worship. Not only will this be a huge win for New Yorkers, but a model for the rest of the country, one that has already inspired copycat legislation in a half dozen states.

As a small, community-driven nonprofit, we were able to push Google to adopt policies that will protect users around the globe, but with your support, we can do even more. Donate before end of year to quintuple your contribution to S.T.O.P. while all gifts are matched 5x thanks to a generous donor, or call your state representatives to support passage of A3306/S217. We know we can do even more to combat surveillance in 2024 with your support.
Quintuple Your Donation!
In solidarity,
Sarah Roth
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