CA Just Banned “Excited Delirium” Using Our Bill!



Police departments are no stranger to pseudoscience. You may already know that the “cutting edge” technologies of “precision policing” and facial recognition are error-prone and riddled with bias. But few forms of police pseudoscience are as deadly as “excited delirium,” the diagnosis used as a defense by the killers of  George Floyd, Elijah McClain, and countless other Black men. The widely discredited cause-of-death diagnosis is only used in law enforcement encounters. Now, thanks to a bill authored by S.T.O.P. and our allies, California has outlawed “excited delirium”!

“Excited delirium” doesn’t just help police evade accountability, it also benefits police weapons manufacturers like TASER/Axon, who were implicated in numerous “excited delirium” deaths. Even worse - they give institutional legitimacy to deeply racist and harmful assumptions about Black, Brown, and other overpoliced communities.

This is just the latest example of our growing movement to advance state-level civil rights protections across the country. Our model bills are being advanced by partners from coast to coast, and soon we’ll be announcing a major new expansion of the work. We’re grateful for all of the partners who made this victory possible for Californians, and we’re thankful to all of the supporters whose generous contributions have made our work possible.
With thanks, 
Sarah Roth
Advocacy & Communications Associate
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