Fighting Labor Surveillance



Spying on workers is nothing new, but the rise of remote work fueled unprecedented and invasive employee monitoring software. From keystroke tracking to watching workers’ webcams, constant AI surveillance has become the norm, taking a toll mental and physical health. These tools not only track how employees use their devices, they also undercut wages and erode trust in the workplace.
Algorithms should never determine a worker’s fate, treating human beings like machines. Faulty productivity tracking is only intensifying for in-person, lower wage workers, such as cashiers, warehouse staff, and delivery drivers. Amazon is one example of how this ruthless quest for profit can turn fatal. Just this July, three Amazon workers died on the job at fulfillment centers in New Jersey within three weeks of each other. One of the workers, Rafael Reynaldo Mota Frias, died of cardiac arrest during the company’s hellish “Prime Day” rush.
Yesterday, S.T.O.P. joined the Athena Coalition in demanding Congress summon Amazon’s CEO for a hearing on this deadly worker safety crisis. Take a moment today to fight back against Amazon’s high-tech sweatshop model by signing Athena’s Work Shouldn’t Hurt petition. This Labor Day weekend, join us in calling on elected leaders and the Federal Trade Commission to protect worker rights, not dystopian worker surveillance.

In solidarity,
Will Owen
Communications Director 
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