Introducing Our New Legal Director!



As S.T.O.P.'s newest staff member, I'd love to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I'm David Siffert, S.T.O.P.'s first-ever Legal Director, and I’m looking forward to leading impact litigation and legislative advocacy here at S.T.O.P. to tackle some of the major problems facing our city, state, and country.

I believe we are seeing a global rise in “strongman” government leadership and the use of surveillance technology by these leaders to maintain their power and to suppress dissent. Once a government gets sufficiently strong and its access to surveillance technology reaches a certain level, it becomes very hard for people to express their voices in any way.  It feels like the United States is currently toeing the line on both of these points.

As an activist, I do my best to fight against the rise of totalitarianism. Alongside my work as Legal Director here at S.T.O.P., I also serve as Director of Research & Projects at the Center on Civil Justice at NYU School of Law and an Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law at NYU. Through my legal experience and role at S.T.O.P., I’ll work to limit the tools misused or abused by well-intentioned and ill-intentioned governments alike.

With so many surveillance abuses to tackle, I’m excited to use all the tools in my lawyer’s toolbox to make concrete change here at S.T.O.P.. None of our growth would be possible without the help of supporters like you. Thank you for helping us build toward a world without surveillance.
In solidarity,
David Siffert
Legal Director
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