Fighting Immigrant Surveillance



Racist surveillance policies date back centuries in America. But 21 years ago, post-9/11 jingoism, Islamophobia, and the latest technology were leveraged to usher in some of the most explicit, enduring, and discriminatory assaults on Muslim, immigrant, and Black and brown communities: the USA PATRIOT Act.

The excessive, unregulated use of everything from wiretapping to web browser monitoring was first tested and normalized on Muslim and immigrant communities in America, laying the groundwork for the surveillance infrastructure of today. More than 20 years later, the USA PATRIOT Act’s relentless religious and racial profiling are ever present – and technological tools have only gotten more capable of invasive mass monitoring. Join S.T.O.P. and the New York Immigration Coalition on Wednesday to learn how this digital surveillance is weaponized against immigrant communities.

But the painful anniversary of the USA PATRIOT Act is more than just a day to look back. It’s also a moment to gather our resolve and rededicate ourselves to the mission of dismantling the systems of mass surveillance created that day. We hope you’ll join us as we share what’s at stake for immigrant communities – and how we can fight back.

In solidarity,
Sam Van Doran
Development Director 
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