S.T.O.P's TED Talk is Here!


There are a lot of amazing milestones with this work, but today I’m so happy to tell you about a truly singular event, the release of my TED talk!! Earlier this year, I joined an incredible community of TED fellows for the TED conference in Vancouver. Joining speakers like Bill Gates and Al Gore, I shared why, we need to rethink the way we fight mass surveillance. Rather than just focusing on how companies collect our information, we need to create new legal protections, what I call legal firewalls, to stop police and other agencies from using our information against us.

I know that with your support, we can build a surveillance-free future. Thank you for being one of the S.T.O.P. supporters who believed in this work and made this possible.  If you have a few minutes, help us get the word out by sharing the video with your friends and network.

And of course, thank you for coming to my TED talk!

In solidarity,
Albert Fox Cahn
Executive Director 
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