Calling All Artists!


As the weather gets cooler and summer winds down, it’s time for a change of wardrobe. And what better way to make a (fashion) statement than with your very own S.T.O.P. t-shirt?

This back-to-school season, we’re calling on S.T.O.P. supporters to show off their artistic skills and create the latest trend in anti-surveillance fashion. From now until the end of September, we’re accepting submissions for S.T.O.P.’s first-ever t-shirt design contest. The 2022 theme is Standing Up Against Surveillance. Get creative and submit your design using this link.

We’ve all seen tin foil hats and makeup tutorials to block facial recognition – but now’s your chance to envision S.T.O.P.’s mission and the fight against discriminatory mass surveillance.

Is design not your thing? Please share our contest with your friends, family, and the privacy-minded designer in your life!
The winner will receive 5 shirts with their design this fall! We’ll share updates on the winning design in the first week of October, as well as more information on how to place an order for your own S.T.O.P. t-shirt!
In solidarity,
Leticia Murillo
Development and Communications AmeriCorps Fellow
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