Abolishing Anti-Black Surveillance


Americans will soon gather to mark the singular legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But while most Americans have come to celebrate Dr. King’s leadership in the decades since his death, far too few acknowledge how he was targeted, surveilled, and brutalized by police during his life. And even fewer acknowledge how that same anti-Black ideology has continued to define American policing to this day.

Decades after Dr. King’s assassination, Black activists continue to be systematically surveilled, only now police can expand their reach with facial recognition and other tracking technologies. When Dr. King was killed, American police only had the resources to track a small number of movement leaders, but today their surveillance can reach anyone who calls out injustice or who says “Black Lives Matter.”

This MLK Day, we ask you to amplify the calls from MediaJustice to #ProtectBlackDissent and end anti-Black surveillance. Together, we can ensure this holiday is a day of action and lasting change.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn
Executive Director
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