3 Wins in 1 Week

It’s been an exciting week here at S.T.O.P.!

It started off Monday with a landmark ruling in our lawsuit against Thomson Reuters. A federal judge in San Francisco ruled that Thomson Reuters can’t use the First Amendment as an excuse to sell our information to police and companies. The decision not only allows our case to go forward, but it opens the door to litigation against countless other data brokers, who turn information on nearly every aspect of your life into their product.
Then, on Thursday we had two separate wins. First, we had our latest public records revelation. As reported in the New York Times, we showed that the price of Excelsior Pass (New York’s dysfunctional vaccine app) skyrocketed more than 10-fold to nearly 27 million dollars. But our next win was felt far beyond New York.

Following demands from a S.T.O.P.-organized coalition of 60 civil rights groups, Google agreed to tell the public more about how police are tracking us. In a new report, Google shows the number of geofence warrants received each quarter, a dangerous type of search that can capture thousands of people’s information with a single court order.
We know there’s still a lot of work ahead of us. But with a few more weeks like this, and ongoing support from partners like you, we also know a surveillance-free future is possible.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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