We Uncovered Millions in NYPD Spying Expenses


Passing the POST Act was one of our highlights last year, but this week we saw the law’s true impact. Thanks to the surveillance transparency measure, STOP and our partners at Legal Aid Society were able to release $159 million in secret NYPD surveillance contracts that had been hidden from the public for a decade. Millions secretly spent on facial recognition software, cellphone trackers, and even X-ray vans

The contracts confirmed our worst suspicions, revealing a vast network of surveillance systems paid for by New Yorkers, but hidden from us and our representatives.  Exposing the NYPD’s surveillance slush fund is just a first step. Every time we learn more about how the Department tracks New Yorkers, it only strengthens calls to dismantle these tools.

We expect even more revelations in the coming weeks, but we don’t need to wait to take action. Join us today in calling on New York City to immediately outlaw its most abusive surveillance system: facial recognition. This technology has already cost our city more than $10 million, but it’s also cost many New Yorkers their freedom. We don’t need the next shoe to drop before we stand up to the NYPD. Join us in demanding that New York “Ban The Scan.”
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn
Executive Director
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