Your Location Data Is For Sale



This week reminded us that our every movement is tracked. On Monday, we condemned a private surveillance firm selling software used to target journalists, activists,  and even a king. The next day, another company outed a top Catholic clergy member with data from a dating app.

This may sound like the plot of a spy movie, but the reality is that our location data is available to the highest bidder, even when that bidder is the police. But hopefully that will soon change. We’re pushing back in Albany and on Capitol Hill to end police abuse of location data.

In New York, S.T.O.P. helped introduce a first-in-the-nation bill banning police purchase of location data. In Washington, we’re supporting the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act, banning police purchases from data brokers. This week’s news shows us why we can’t wait any longer to act. We need to protect Americans’ data (and safety) today.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn
Executive Director
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