Thank You For Showing Up

Change never comes quickly, and it’s never slower than with the NYPD.
That’s why we asked for your help pushing back against the Department’s attempt to undermine the POST Act, the surveillance transparency law that S.T.O.P. helped pass in 2020. Under the law, the NYPD had to provide detailed policies for each of its spy tools, but they gave us copy-and-pasted gibberish instead.
The story could have ended there: just another well-intentioned law undermined by police bureaucracy. But New Yorkers refused to take this lying down. Under the POST Act, the public had the chance to be heard, and we refused to be silent.
That’s why we’re so excited to announce that nearly 10,000 comments were sent to the NYPD, making clear that these policies aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Many went even further, demanding that the NYPD also ban many of the surveillance technologies they detailed, particularly facial recognition.

These comments give us powerful ammunition to fight NYPD surveillance, both at City Hall and in the courts. This fight is a long way from over, but we’re closer to winning thanks to your help.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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