The Law Still Matters

This week, as the House voted to impeach President Trump for inciting insurrection, taking a bi-partisan stand for the rule of law, a much lower-profile accountability saga was unfolding here in New York.
Nearly three years after it was first introduced, this week the NYPD finally complied with the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act, a landmark bill that requires the department to tell New Yorkers what spy tools the NYPD uses. The POST Act is one of the reasons I founded S.T.O.P., because I believed an organization like ours was needed to turn this legislation into a reality, and now it is.
This week also started a ticking clock, 45 days for the public to comment on the revelations that the NYPD made. Just 45 days to speak out about the need to dismantle New York’s surveillance state.

In the coming days we’ll be providing detailed reports on the POST Act, along with tools to help you tell the NYPD that their surveillance has gone too far. We’ll also have exciting announcements about new campaigns we’re spearheading to bring New York closer to the goal of surveillance abolition. But for today, above all else, we’re grateful to live in a country and a city that have shown that the rule of law matters.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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