Dinner is best served surveillance-free.

Your friend, who’s visiting NYC for the holidays, is dragging you to dinner. They’ve chosen a restaurant with outdoor heat lamps, but it’s a neighborhood away. You’re late – how is it 6:45 already? You rush out the door and plan your route:

Drive. Parking shouldn’t be too difficult on a weeknight. > Go to page 25
Take the subway. Time to catch up on your favorite podcast. > Go to page 39
Walk. It’s a beautiful night, and you’ll work up an appetite. > Go to page 50

Page 25
You’re jamming out to your favorite station as you drive past a parked cop car. You may have just been scanned by one of the NYPD’s automatic license plate readers, which often takes photos of cars’ occupants, too. And with the scanner’s high error rates, you now run the risk of becoming an innocent target.

Quick! Safely park and donate to S.T.O.P. to ban faulty spy tools!

Page 39
Ugh, you forgot your MetroCard… but you have your phone! You tap your virtual wallet and walk through the turnstile before realizing you just gave the MTA personal data that the police can possibly obtain without a warrant. And is that a facial recognition camera mounted on the wall…?

Make a mental note to buy a MetroCard for the ride home, and donate to S.T.O.P. to ensure the MTA protects riders’ privacy.

Page 50
You're enjoying your evening stroll and taking in the festive lights hung up downtown. But what’s that in the corner of your eye? A CCTV camera pointed at you. Any of the city’s 15,000 security cameras could be equipped with facial recognition software, landing your face in a police database without you even knowing.

Reclaim your face: join S.T.O.P. as a monthly donor to support NYC’s “Ban the Scan” campaign!
It’s creepy to consider how extensively we're tracked throughout our city. But when you support S.T.O.P., you’re building a powerful movement that's dismantling mass surveillance one spy tool at a time. Donate today and double your gift with our end-of-year match!
With thanks,
Leticia Murillo
Development & Communications
AmeriCorps Fellow
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