We Just Won’t Stop Growing

We have so much going on at S.T.O.P. these days that it is hard to keep track.
Today we launched our latest outreach and education effort: Surveillance and the City the podcast. Every week or two, our hosts will come together with activists, advocates, and scholars to discuss all the creepy ways that your families are tracked. And sci-fi too! Find out how classic books, movies, and TV shows are transforming into real-life surveillance systems.
But that’s not the only good news; we’re hiring two new staff members! Our new Advocacy Director and Development Director will be a huge boost to our work. And none of this expansion would be possible without your help.
Please help us spread the word about our new podcast and staff openings. Together, we can make sure that S.T.O.P. can grow to tackle all of the privacy challenges we face in the months and years ahead.
In Solidarity,
Team S.T.O.P.
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