Today, the NYPD came at us with everything they had. They tried as hard as possible to block surveillance reform. They lost.
In a landslide 44-6 vote, the New York City Council passed the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act. But more than that, they ended the era of NYPD surveillance impunity. The Department can no longer hide how it spies on New Yorkers and shares that information with the Trump Administration.
And the NYPD didn’t go down without a fight. This morning, when I wrote in the N.Y. Daily News that it was past time for the City Council to act, the NYPD was writing on the same op-ed page, using their usual fear tactics. That might have worked before, but in this age of massive protests, when countless New Yorkers proudly say “Black Lives Matter,” those tactics won’t work anymore. But the POST Act is just the beginning. The bill tells us how the NYPD spies on the public, but now it’s up to us to end that surveillance. Can you make a tax-deductible donation to help us fight NYPD spying?
When I started S.T.O.P., people said that we could never pass the POST Act. They said we would have to make carve-outs and concessions. But today we proved them wrong. Today we showed what a nationwide coalition of activists, advocates, and attorneys could do. But this is just the beginning. Like many non-profits, our grant funding cannot be used for legislative advocacy, so we depend on the public to fight for bills like the POST Act. Please donate to S.T.O.P. today and keep the momentum going at City Hall and in Albany.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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