Researching COVID’s Civil Rights Impact

Months into this pandemic, and we’re still struggling to understand how COVID-19 impacts civil rights, equity, and the rule of law.
Last month, we added two reports raising the alarm that error-prone surveillance tools are replacing evidence-backed health measures.
Our Combating COVID On Campus: Contact Tracing & Higher Education paper details how universities are investing in untested technologies to reopen campus in the Fall. Meanwhile, our Virtual Justice: Online Courts During COVID-19 paper highlights how online court hearings undermine the attorney client relationship, due process, and cyber security.

The “temporary measures” we take in this pandemic may become a permanent fixture of American life. That’s why it’s so important to understand just how COVID-19 is driving new, untested, and potentially dangerous forms of tracking. Please help us in fighting for evidence-based public health measures and in opposing the pseudoscience of mass surveillance as a public health tool. You can read all of our COVID-19 materials here.
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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