I Waited 3 Years For This Moment...

I’ve worked towards a privacy milestone for more than three years, and it will happen in just five days!
We’ve told you about the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology (POST) Act before, the NYPD reform bill that will finally give us accountability for the Department’s spying. The law was introduced exactly 1,200 days ago, and I’m absolutely thrilled to let you know that it will finally get a vote on Thursday, June 18th.
None of this would be possible without the amazing coalition that came together from across the country to boost this bill, more than 100 organizations in all! But it also wouldn’t be possible without each and every one of you who’ve called, tweeted, emailed, and posted about why we need surveillance reform. Even though the numbers are on our side, nothing is guaranteed in politics. Can you help amplify our calls for the POST Act on social media using #POSTAct?
I’ve worked to pass the POST Act since before I founded S.T.O.P., in fact, it was one of the reasons I created the group. If we can pass this law and learn about the tools the NYPD is using, it will enable dozens of new laws and lawsuits. But we can’t take this win for granted. Please join us every day between now and Thursday in calling on New York City to pass the #POSTAct!
With thanks,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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