NYC’s Encryption Hypocrisy

S.T.O.P. is a fan of strong encryption and how it helps Americans bank, communicate, and store documents securely.
That’s why we were happy to see New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio join Signal, the encrypted communication platform. We thought this meant the mayor finally understood the importance of encryption…but maybe not. Mayor de Blasio’s police department still spends millions of dollars to break this exact technology, hacking into New Yorkers’ phones and devices.
Even worse, the NYPD refuses to explain how this program is used, whose phones are targeted, and what safeguards they have against misuse of the data. This is why we’re suing the NYPD on behalf of our client Upturn, demanding documents that will show us exactly how New York is attacking encryption.
New Yorkers deserve better than this sort of privacy evasion. If public officials have the right to use secure messaging, then the rest of us do too. This is why we won’t stop until we force the NYPD to tell us how they are undermining New Yorkers’ encryption and attacking our privacy.

With thanks,
Team S.T.O.P.
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