Closing Our Offices - Expanding Our Fight

I know that it’s been a trying week for many of you and your families, and I want to quickly update you on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our work at S.T.O.P.
Nearly a year ago to the day, S.T.O.P. moved to our first offices at 40 Rector Street. Yesterday I made the somber choice to close our offices and have our staff and volunteers work from home until this health crisis has passed.
This pandemic is a sudden and surreal shift for everyone, and we’ll get through it together. But just because we’re working remotely, it doesn’t mean that we’re working any less. Just the opposite. In fact, this global disaster makes our work more urgent than ever.

History teaches us that moments of crisis are when the values of a democracy are truly tested. These are the times when novel threats breathe new life into age-old bigotries, and civil rights watchdogs are needed most. I have no doubt that we’ll do incredible work together in the coming weeks, ensuring that those in power remain accountable to the people they serve, and ensuring that this temporary tumult doesn’t do permanent damage to the rule of law.
In solidarity,
Albert Fox Cahn, Esq.
Executive Director
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