Finally, A Light At The End Of The Tunnel.


Fear, pain, frustration, and loss – these have defined 2020. The global pandemic and horrific police violence – including the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor – have traumatized a nation.

Now, we see new glimmers of hope. A COVID-19 vaccine marks the beginning of the end of this pandemic, and the Electoral College vote confirmed the end of a deadly and discredited presidency. But these breakthroughs on their own cannot reverse centuries of injustice.

Even now, we see new dangers for the future, as surveillance vendors sell the public on their products as the answer to policing and the pandemic. Unproven, biased, and invasive tracking devices are framed as the solution to COVID-19, while companies try to turn the call to “defund the police” into an argument for even more surveillance.

We must prove that we’ve learned the lesson of this and past crises, that we’ll never again channel our fear into suspicion of our neighbors. With your donation, we can build a very different 2021 – in which new tech doesn’t come at the expense of age-old rights.
Support S.T.O.P.’s vision by donating today.
With thanks,
Sam Van Doran
Development Director
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